Digital Marketing

Next Steps for Marketers in 2019

It’s January, and that means it’s time to implement new plans for the new year. If you are starting to plan now, you are likely taking a look back at what you did last year, assessing if it has worked, and thinking of how you can do better this year. Last year you may have gone hog wild with your blog and content marketing, yet your client acquisition numbers do not reflect your efforts. Or maybe you produced several videos for social media, but again, no hard results are to be found. So you want to know, “Now what?”

Do it all over again.

Yep, that’s right. Consistency is critical to marketing success. There is no silver bullet, only a lot of different weapons that should be firing off at all times. So plan to do this year, what you did last year with some tweaks here and there, if necessary, but do not abandon ship!

In fact, if you’ve implemented two marketing channels go for a third. Implement google ads or social media ads. Keep expanding so your message is accessible more than ever before. What about a billboard?

One of the more significant mistakes businesses make is that they do not have a long-term marketing perspective. You must continue your efforts if continued growth is your goal. If you are overwhelmed, enlist some help to keep you consistent or research new technologies to make delivering your marketing easier. That’s my goal for my clients this year, to make sure our marketing processes are consistent, efficient and maximized.

Happy planning everyone!

January 17, 2018