
Digital Marketing

Next Steps for Marketers in 2019

It’s January, and that means it’s time to implement new plans for the new year. If you are starting to plan now, you are likely taking a look back at what you did last year, assessing if it has worked, and thinking of how you can do better this year. Last year you may have gone hog wild with your blog and content marketing, yet your [...]
Digital Marketing

7 Digital Marketing Must Dos for Advisors

Several variables will determine how well advisors can sustain and grow their practices over the next 5-10 years. One is the advisor’s ability to move from tech tolerant to tech-obsessed. There is a lot to explore when it comes to advisors and technology, so today we are going to take a bite out of the elephant and focus solely on digital [...]
Joan's Perspective

Let it Go

I habitually get rid of stuff. My mantra, attributed to William Morris, “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” I assess what’s hanging in my closet and around the house regularly and, if it isn’t useful or doesn’t give me joy, I add it to the Goodwill pile. Once I dropped off a Louis Vuitton [...]